Tag: Photography

Every country has that one prop..

THE FOOD!!….. Ooooh, oooooh the oh so delicious coconut ice-cream. The coconut ice-cream, the cafe con leche’s, the amazing breakfast array of eggs, fruit, cheese, bread coffee and cookies I could have lived off of. They may not have a lot, but what a surprise that they make the best out of what they do […]

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Cuba cuba cuba…

Spending this beautiful Saturday Spring afternoon studying for the final exam of my undergraduate degree, all I can do is reminisce through photos from my recent trip to Cuba!…. Take me back. Enjoy a couple scenery shots. xo Mount Yunque in Baracoa, Cuba.   En route getting ready to hike up the mountain!..   The […]

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Travels travels travels…

Some seriously cute kids..

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Listen to the music…

There’s nothing to make you fall in love with Cuba like all the sweet Spanish serenading… ‘Déjame cantar una cancíon’

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